Saturday, August 31, 2013


On this dark night,
On this lonely planet,
I keep,
Keep thinking of someone.

Love.. love...
That kind of love,
I love you so much.

My love,
who's hard even to look at.

Why is this sad song playing now,
And making my scarred heart hurt more...
I don't want to listen,
But I don't know why my heart keeps,
Keeps listening.

I never knew when it was by my side,
I thought I would live easily while in love.

Person, person...
Bad person,
I realized I was a bad person.

These days,
I keep counting the stars in the night sky,
Each and every one of them,
These twinkling stars,
These trickling tears,
All of it is my love toward you.

Why is this sad song playing now,
And making me cry even harder...
You get punished,
If you make someone cry,
you cry even harder...
Now I know...

Sung by Heo Young Saeng.

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